Radiant HD Arcade Game for WebOS

Radiant HD Title Screen

For fans of Space Invaders comes Radiant HD, a game from Hexage available on WebOS along with Android and iOS. Hexage has been very supportive of WebOS and has released many other games for the Touchpad including Totemo, Robotek, and Quell. Think of Radiant HD as a mash-up of a bunch of classic space shooter games combined into one.

The controls in the game are fantastic because instead of using awkward touch buttons that are difficult to locate, you simply tap the screen either on the left side or right side to control your spaceship. Firing is super easy because it’s automatically done for you. At first this may seem crazy but it actually works great because it lets you focus on where your bullets go. The graphics are also well done with vibrant neon colors and pixelated character shapes to bring that old-school game feel. The music is nothing special but suits the game well with its spacey way.

You get points for upgrades after killing certain enemies during level play. At the end of the level, you get to choose from upgrades that give you things like double guns and missiles which help you to perform better in the next levels. These weapons do well against the larger enemies and bosses throughout the 100+ levels of the game. The weapons include a Vulcan Cannon, Bio Blaster, Plasma Gun, Disruptor Laser, Seeking Missiles, and Smart Gun. If you are into classic arcade shooters, then I recommend Radiant HD. It is another game that will help build up your library of games on your Touchpad, a device with not a lot of support app-wise compared to Android and iOS.

Radiant HD Hexage Radiant HD Touchpad
Touchpad game Touchpad HD arcade game

Duck Hunt

Game_DuckHunt_Screen1 Game_DuckHunt_Cover

Developer: Nintendo R&D1
Publisher: Nintendo
NA Release date: October 15, 1985
Genre: Light gun shooter
Media: 192-kb cartridge

Game_DuckHunt_Screen4 History:

Way before the NES, Nintendo released a game similar to Duck Hunt in 1976 that involved a projector with a built-in game and a shooting gun. Duck Hunt was released in the arcades in 1984. Then after the NES was released, Nintendo released Duck Hunt on it. Both Duck Hunt Game_DKC_Screen2and the Light Gun used in the game were developed by Research & Development 1. It was originally released along with Super Mario Bros. as a double pack-in title released with the NES Action Set in the U.S., and it came out on October 18, 1985 in North America.

Game_DuckHunt_Screen4 Gameplay:

In Duck Hunt, the player uses the Light Gun (AKA Zapper) to shoot ducks or clay pigeons as they fly on the screen. There are three game modes: one duck, two duck and clay pigeon shooting. In the duck modes, the player shoots down ducks that fly on the screen. The player gets three shots at shooting the duck before the duck takes off and flies away. In addition, the player has a limited amount of time before the duck(s) will fly away. If you shoot a duck or two, the dog will hold them up to show you. If no ducks are hit then a dog will pop out of the bushes and laugh at you. The clay pigeon game is similar but instead of ducks flying around the screen, clay pigeons are shot and fly off into the distance. The clay game is more difficult in Duck Hunt because the targets are smaller.

Game_DuckHunt_Screen4 Review:Game_DuckHunt_Screen3

Duck Hunt was one of the first home console video games to use a gun. Although the graphics are nothing special here, the use of the gun makes it one of the better games on the NES. The interactivity between the gun and the TV make the game very unique for its time. Other light gun games came out for the NES but Duck Hunt has always been one of the best light gun games. The game can be a bit repetitive with the levels basically repeating over, only at a faster speed. The music in the game is very catchy.