Google Treasure Maps and What’s That Smell?

Google Treasure Map

Yesterday Google started of April Fools with a Google Treasure Maps feature that replaced Google Maps. Basically what it did was removed all the map detail of regular Google Maps and made the maps look more treasure map like. In addition to yesterdays prank, today they “introduced” Google Nose – go beyond type, talk, and touch for a new notation of sensation. Check out the funny video of the product in action and happy April Fools!

Google Motion: April Fools Joke For 2011

This Year, Google decided to do their annual April Fools Joke about a new feature in Gmail called Gmail Motion. Gmail Motion would let the user use a series of hand movements and gestures that would be seen by their computers camera and then processed and translated into text by Gmail. The first half of the video explaing how Motion would work seemed believable, but then you start to see how ridiculous it would be to learn a whole new gesture language similar to sign language, just to type emails. Although this was a funny prank, I thought last years April Fools joke when Google pretended to change its name to Topeka was even better.

Oh, and some hackers actually made Google Motion a reality in only one day using the XBOX 360 Kinect. See the video here.